Friday, August 29, 2008

Awaken Dead Heart Cells [disolve heart problems]

Ribose is good to take regardless whether you have heart problems or not, along with co-q10

Awaken “Dead” Heart Cells
Inexpensive supplement mimics the effects of oxidative therapy
For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease..

Through the years, I’ve seen hundreds of patients with heart disease completely reverse the disease. Some of these patients had their cardiologist tell them they had to have bypass surgery. And some had nearly escaped death from heart attacks. Others had such a weak heart, they could hardly walk or even breathe..

Few things give me more joy than to see these folks walk out of my clinic with a healthy heart and a new lease on life. To get them there, I have to use a lot of different therapies. Two of my favorites, as you probably know, are oxidative and oxygen therapies..

I’ve used oxidative and oxygen therapy for 21 years to treat heart problems. When your arteries are blocked or your heart is failing, your body just can’t get enough oxygen. Giving the patient hyperbaric oxygen therapy, hydrogen peroxide therapy, or ultraviolet blood irradiation can work miracles. And, if they’re healthy enough, they can even exercise at home with oxygen (EWOT), which has remarkable therapeutic effects..

The problem with all of these therapies is that they’re not simple to do (except for EWOT). They usually require a visit to a doctor’s office. And they can be expensive..

I’ve always wanted to find a way to increase the oxygen in your body — and repair your damaged heart — with a supplement. I’ve found many supplements that can help with this. But none of them are strong enough to do away with the oxidative therapies. I never found one that was so effective that I didn’t have to use the oxidative therapies along with it — until now..

This supplement has been around for a while. Unfortunately, none of us connected the action of oxidative therapy to ribose. Even us oxygen doctors had no idea it could generate energy within your cells in a fashion similar to oxidation therapy! What you’re about to read is ground-breaking new information on something you may have heard of before. This supplement can literally regenerate damaged heart cells and rejuvenate cells throughout your body..
The supplement is actually the sugar ribose. You may be a little startled to see me discuss a sugar in such a positive light. But ribose is different from most sugars. Here’s why: If you look at the molecular structure of most sugars, you’ll see that they are all a chain of carbon atoms..

The most common sugars, including glucose, sucrose, and fructose, have a six-carbon chain in their nucleus. When your body metabolizes these sugars, the six-carbon chain causes your body to produce insulin.

Ribose, on the other hand, has only a five-carbon chain in its nucleus. Your body handles this type of carbon chain in a completely different way. It doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels or cause your body to produce insulin. And that difference brings some stunning therapeutic effects..

For instance, we’ve known for over 16 years that ribose helps cells that aren’t getting enough oxygen. If your heart doesn’t have enough oxygen (i.e., it’s ischemic) in certain areas, those areas might go into “hibernation.” That protects their limited energy capacity. The cells will still be viable, they just won’t pump..

In a 1991 study, researchers found that ribose can quickly get those cells pumping again. This is especially important to anyone who undergoes bypass. If tests indicate that ischemic areas aren’t pumping, the surgeon will assume those cells are dead. But they’re not ... they’re just asleep. If the surgeon doesn’t repair their blood supply, they will never wake up..

However, if we can get those cells pumping again, the surgeon won’t miss the area. Taking ribose before a thallium stress test could show the cells are viable. The surgeon will be more likely to address their blood flow needs. Remember, if the cells are dead, they don’t need a blood supply. Living cells do! (Of course, I’m not a proponent of bypass, but in selected acute cases, it can save lives.)..

If you do have to undergo bypass surgery, make sure you have plenty of ribose on hand. A recent study conducted by an orthodox cardiac surgeon shows why. Dr. D. Perkowski of Laguna Hills, California studied 143 people. All of them had previous bypass surgery. That means that a significant portion of their hearts had vascular damage. He used patients he had treated in the past as controls. Then he compared the heart function of new incoming bypass patients with the controls. The newcomers received ribose as soon as they entered the hospital and continued to take it until they went home..

Considering that bypass “restores” circulation, you would expect cardiac function to improve with surgery alone. It did. He measured their heart condition using the cardiac index. This is a measure of the pumping ability of your heart in a minute. He found that bypass without supplements led to an improvement in cardiac index from baseline 2.39 L/min/m2 to 2.71 L/min/m2 — or 13%..

However, with ribose, the postoperative improvement went from 2.19 L/min/m2 to 3.13 L/min/m2. That’s a 43% improvement in cardiac index — triple the improvement of non-supplemented patients in the hands of the same surgeon. Plus, the ribose didn’t cause any adverse reactions.

But even if you don’t need heart surgery — even if you don’t have a heart condition — ribose is worth taking. A study conducted in 1992 showed how taking ribose for only three days can significantly improve your exercise tolerance. The Lancet study followed 20 men and found that those taking ribose could exercise much harder before their EKG showed ischemia. Better exercise tolerance means you’re getting more oxygen burned in your cells..

A 2002 study proved this. The researchers in this study followed the performance of athletes exercising at 16% oxygen. Room air is 20%. Hypoxia (low oxygen) can cause free-radicals to form. In this case ribose can stop that formation. In addition, the athletes who took ribose had a lower heart rate with a given amount of exertion. That means that ribose improved oxygen utilization and energy production..

Ribose obviously has an amazing ability to protect and heal the heart. While we’ve known this for some time, we didn’t realize its effectiveness came from its ability to mimic my beloved oxidative therapies. And, more importantly, we know that ribose can actually awaken worn out and dying heart cells! This is an incredible property for a supplement..

Here’s how it works: If your cells aren’t producing enough energy, it means they are producing too much lactic acid. The acid then builds up in your tissues due to oxygen deprivation. A recent study from Germany shows that oxidation therapy causes your cells to consume more oxygen, which reduces the lactic acid stores. That gives you great improvements in your exercise tolerance..

This is where sugar, as glucose, comes into play. Most glucose is burned by your body and turned into energy. Energy is stored in your cells as the molecule ATP. If ATP production falls, your cells will be starved for energy. They could become diseased, disabled, and even die..

To make ATP, your body needs ribose. But unlike glucose, your cells don’t burn ribose. Instead, ribose is the skeleton backbone of the ATP molecules. No ribose, no ATP. No ATP, no energy..

It’s a vicious cycle. If your cells’ energy falls, they can’t hold on to their ribose or make it on their own. That impairs energy further. Loss of energy, loss of ribose. Loss of ribose, more energy loss. Their only way to stop the cycle is with outside sources of ribose, such as supplements..

That’s how taking ribose mimics the effects of oxidative therapies. One of the key mechanisms of oxidation therapy is that it causes your cells to produce more ribose. So taking ribose is essentially a short cut for getting the same result. Oxidation therapies have many other effects as well, so they are still very valuable treatments. But taking ribose can help you reap some of the best benefits of oxidation therapy at a much lower cost..

As you can imagine, all of this great research hasn’t changed conventional medicine. Few conventional doctors use ribose, just like few use CoQ10. That’s unfortunate for those missing out on it. Ribose is easily and quickly absorbed in your intestines. In fact, your body absorbs 95% of it. So you don’t have to worry about this supplement not getting into you when you take it orally. It will pour into your bloodstream, where it’s carried to the tissues that need it. And, it doesn’t have any toxicity or known side effects.

Since ribose is a sugar, you might be concerned if you have diabetes. Well, no cause for alarm. As I mentioned earlier, ribose has little effect on insulin (unlike its 6-carbon brothers). Furthermore, by increasing energy production, it can help you burn off sugar more efficiently!..

So how much ribose is right for you? If you’re in good health, you can help keep yourself there with five to seven grams daily. That’s one rounded teaspoon. If you have congestive heart failure, you’ll likely need more.

I suggest one rounded teaspoon twice daily. This dose would be useful if you have moderate heart problems or if you’re facing heart surgery.

If you have advanced congestive heart failure, take two to three teaspoons daily. Once your energy is improved and you have less shortness of breath, you can taper the dose somewhat. But make sure you pay careful attention. If your cells have compromised circulation, they will need a continuous supply of ribose..

If you’re interested in more information on this stunning nutrient, as well as metabolic (not drug) solutions to your heart problems, you can find it in The Sinatra Solution, by Stephen Sinatra, MD, who is a board- certified cardiologist. Dr. Sinatra writes Heart, Health, and Nutrition, a competing newsletter. I want to recommend his book, as it has outstanding information on ribose..

Ribose is available as Corvalen. I’m so pleased with the results in my own patients that I asked the people at Healthy Resolve to carry it for you, 800-728-2288. I don’t think that it’ll do all that oxidation does, but just getting that increase in energy production from a supplement instead of an IV is wonderful! It could be a most cost effective alternative. I’ll tell you more about ribose and its magic in fibromyalgia and muscle disease in an upcoming issue..

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For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Ribose can also be obtained from Iherb. com which is a very good source regarding pricing

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lifesavers Guide To Flouridation


Serina/ Seb*Strength through Peace

Install a water filter at home as most of bottled water indeed comes from tap water...

From: fluorid(n)ation

Lifesavers Guide to Flouridation

Risks/Benefits Evaluated in this Question and Answer Report
[Dr. Yiamouyiannis received his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island.
He is recognized as an international authority on the biological effects of fluoride and has served as Science Consultant on fluoridation in the United States and abroad

What is flouridation?

Flouridation is the addition of fluoride to the public water systems, at the rate of about 1 part fluoride for every million parts of water.
Industries stuck with fluoride as a waste-product originally promoted it as a means of reducing tooth decay

What is fluoride?

It is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It has been used as a pesticide for the control of mice, rats, and other small pests. A spokesman from Procter and Gamble, the makers of Crest, acknowledges that a family-sized tube of fluoride toothpaste "theoretically, at least, contains enough fluoride to kill a small child.
" While no one is going to die from drinking one glass of fluoridated water, just as no one will die from smoking one cigarette, it is the longer-term chronic effects of glass after glass of fluoridated water that takes its toll in human health - and life

What are some of these harmful effects?

According to our estimates, fluoridation is responsible for the chronic poisoning of over 130,000,000 Americans, of a substantial number of the 40,000,000 Americans suffering from arthritis, of over 8,000,000 American children who are so badly poisoned that their teeth are discolored, of about 2,000,000 Americans who suffer allergic or allergic-like reactions from fluoride, of about 35,000 Americans who die from fluoridation each year, and of about 10,000 Americans who die from fluoridation-induced cancers each year

Have these harmful effects been proven?

Yes. In a court case in Pennsylvania lasting 20 days, it was proven that fluoridation is harmful. The presiding judge, John Pl. Flaherty, said he was "compellingly convinced" of the harmful effects of fluoridation. In an Illinois court case lasting 40 days, Judge Ronald A. Niemann ruled that fluoridation "created a risk... of serious health hazards". Allergic-type reactions have been reported by top physicians, including Nobel Prize winner Dr. William Murphy. With regard to the amount of fluoride found in a quart of fluoridated water, the Physlcians' Desk Reference points out: "Dental fluorosis (mottling) may result... In hypersensitive individuals, fluorides occasionally cause skin eruptions such as atopic dermatites, eczema, or urticaria. Gastric distress, headache, and weakness have also been reported.
These hypersensitive reactions usually disappear promptly after discontinuation of the fluoride

Are there any visible symptoms of people poisoned by fluoride?

Yes. About 20-35% of the people growing up in artificially fluoridated areas experience a disturbance of tooth development so great that the resulting damage is visible to the naked eye. This disease is referred to as dental fluorosis. In mild cases, it appears as the chalky-white area on the tooth. In more advanced cases, teeth become yellow, brown, or black and the tips break off. Poorly nourished children consuming water with as little as 0.4 ppm fluoride have exhibited dental fluorosis. Even the 1992 Canadian Dental Association's Proposed Guidelines recommends: "Fluoride supplements should not be recommended for children less than three years old." Fluoride damages teeth by interfering with the proper formation of collagen and collagen-like proteins in the toth during the tooth formative stages. These proteins also comprise the structural component for our skin, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, and bone.
Fluoridated water leads to a breakdown of these proteins

Does that mean that fluoride will also cause bone damage?

Yes. In 1990,1991, and1992, the Journal of the American Medical Association published three separate articles linking increased hip fracture rates to fluoridated areas. Another article from the March 22, 1990 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine found that fluoride treatment of osteoporosis causes bone fractures. Osteoporosis is one of the first signs of poisoning due to fluoride in the water. As little as 0.7 part per million fluoride in the water has been associated with skeletal fluorosis.
In addition to bone damage, reports of premature wrinkled skin and arthritis, as wess as the possibility of a greater frequencly of torn ligaments and tendons in fluoridated areas result from the effect of fluoride on collagen

Does fluoride cause genetic damage?

Yes. A study by Procter and Gamble showed that as little as half the amount of fluoride used to fluoridate public water supplies resulted in a sizable and significant increase in genetic damage. Researchers from around the world have also shown that fluoride causes genetic damage.
Substances which cause genentic damage are mutagens, and it is generally agreed that mutagenic activity of such substances is a warning of possible cancer-causing activity

Are there studies showing a link between fluoride and cancer?

Yes. In animal studies, water fluoridated at 1 part per million has been shown to increase tumor growth rate by 25%, to produce melanotic tumors, and to transform normal cells into cancer cells. The ability of fluoride to transorm normal cells has been confirmed by Argonne National Laboratories, which also found that fluoride increases the cancer-causing ability of other chemicals. Battelle Research Institute conducted a two-year study on rats and mice and found an iron-clad link between fluoride exposure and an extremely rare form of liver cancer, hepatocholangiocarcinomas, in fluoride-treated male and female mice. On April 11, 1989, Battelle released additional results which showed an increase in oral precancerous, tumorous, and cancerous cells as a result of fluoride exposure in both male and female rats. Similar results regarding oral squamous precancerous cells and bone tumors from fluoride exposure were reported by Proctor and Gamble.
Battelle also found osteosarcomas in male rats fed higher amounts of fluoride

In human studies, fluoride has been shown to transform white blood cells into cells "suggestive of reticuloendothelial malignancy"; gastric cancer and lung cancer have also been associated with fluoride exposure in humans

If I live in a fluoridated community are my chances of getting cancer greater?

Yes. Dr. Dean Burk, former Chief Chemist of the National Cancer Institute and Dr. John Yiamouyiannis showed that 10,000 or more fluoridation-linked cancer deaths occur yearly in the United States. While numerous studies have been cited to refute the Burk-Yiamouyiannis study, most of these studies, after corrections for errors and omissions, show an increase in cancer death rate in the fluoridated areas.
From 1991-1993, the National Cancer Institute, the New Jersey Department of Health, and the Safe Water Foundation all found that the incidence of osteosarcoma was far higher in men exposed to fluoridated water as compared to those who were not

But how can such a small amount of fluoride have such harmful effects?

The amount of fluoride used to fluoridate public water systems leads to soft tissue fluoride levels which damage biologically important chemicals, such as enzymes, leading to a wide range of diseases. A study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society provided the chemical evidence to support this view. Thus the editors of New Scientist concluded: "some of the charges that are laid at its [fluoride's] door - genetic damage, birth defects, cancer and allergy response - may arise from fluoride interference after all.
" More recent findings lend further support to this statement

Does fluoride weaken the immune system?

Yes. During a court case in Scotland, studies by both proponents and opponents of fluoridation confirmed that fluoride does weaken the immune system. In 1985, Japanese researchers confirmed that as little as 10% of the amound of fluoride used to fluoridate public water supplies is capable of weakening the immune system. In 1987, Russian investigators confirmed suppression of the immune system among children drinking fluoride in their water.
This fluoride-induced damage to the immune system can lead to chronic problems such as colds which never seem to go away, to cancer in individuals whose immune system is too weak to arrest the growth of "precancerous" cells, and to other immune deficiency diseases

Doesn't fluoridation reduce tooth decay?

The largest U.S. study examining the effect of fluoridation on tooth decay found that fluoridation does not reduce decay in permanent teeth. Examination of the dental records of 39,207 schoolchildren, ages 5-17, from 84 geographical areas around the United States showed the number of decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth per child was 2.0 in floridated areas, 2.0 in nonfluoridated areas and 2.2 in partially fluoridated areas.
Other recent large-scale studies by public health dentists in New Zealand, Canada, and the United States have also reported similar tooth decay rates in fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas

Dr John Colquhoun, former Chief Dental Officer of the Department of Health for Auckland, New Zealand, investigated tooth decay statistics from 60,000 12- to 13-year-old children; he found no significant difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas in New Zealand. In the major cities of New Zealand, the number of decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth per child was 2.7 in fluoridated areas and 2.4 in nonfluoridated areas.
Because of this and the damage he found fluoride was doing to teeth (dental fluorosis), he has begun campaigning against fluoridation

The October 1987 issue of the journal of the Canadian Dental Association published an article admitting that fluoridation isn't doing the job that dentists have been claiming it could do. Accoring to the article: "Survey results in British Columbia with only 11% of the population using fluoridates water show lower DMFT [tooth decay] rates than provinces with 40-70 percent of the population drinking fluoridated water" and "school districts recently reporting the highest caries-free rates in the province were totally unfluoridated.

In 1989, researchers from Missouri examined the tooth decay records of rural 6th grade schoolchildren and again found no significant difference in tooth decay rates between those living in fluoridated areas (who averaged 2.2 decayed, missing, and filled teeth per child) and those living in nonfluoridated areas (who averaged 2.0 decayed, missing, and filled teeth per child).

And the teeth of people drinking low-fluoride water aren't falling out?

No. In primitive societies whose drinking water contains negligible amounts of fluoride, such as the Otomi Indians in Mexico, the Bedouins in Israel, and the Ibos in Nigeria, 80-90% of the people go throughout life without tooth decay. Looking at their diets, we find that their consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as white sugar, is extremely low. It is evident that proper diet - not fluoridation - is necessary for good health.

What people will be hurt most by water fluoridation?

People on poor diets and inpoor health, older people, people with or having a predisposition toward kidney disease (especially people on kidney machines), diabetes (and hypoglycemia), and hypothyroidism.

What other sources of fluoride should I stay away from?

1. Fluoride treatments at the dentist's office use 5,000 to 20,000 ppm fluoride, which is hazardous, even deadly (consider the January 20, 1979 New York Times headline: "$750,000 Given in Child's Death in Fluoride Case" about a 3-year-old killed by a fluoride treatment at the dentist's office).

2. Fluoride toothpastes use 1,000-1,500 ppm fluoride, which can cause gum damage, sickness - even death if a small child consumes a family-sized tube.

3. Fluoride mouthrinses sold in stores or administered in schools containing 500 ppm, will often cause sickness - and can in rare cases cause death.

4. Fluoride tablets or drops usually prescribed for children or infants have as bad and sometimes worse effects than fluoridated water.

5. Fluoride tablets for the treatment of osteoporosis contain about 50 times the amount of fluoride as the children's tablets and are very hazardous.

6. Foods contain fluoridated water which has been added during foold processing (for example soft drinks, freeze-dried coffee). Concern over the safety of fluoridated water has led infant formula manufacturers to remove fluoride from the water they use to make their formulas.

7. The use of fluoridation for the preparation of foods (such as rice, spaghetti, of coffee) in which the water used is consumed with the food.

The lack of effectiveness and the dangers of using fluoride from the above sources is well documented.

Is there any danger from malfunctioning fluoridation equipment?

Yes. In 1979, 5,000 people were poisoned when up to 50 ppm fluoride was dumped into the Annapolis, Maryland public water system. A number of other spills have also been reported.

If all this is true, why are some pushing fluoridation more than ever?

In my opinion, the conclusion is unescapable. Officials of the U.S. Public Health Service, the American Dental Association, and Procter and Gamble, as well as others, are more concerned with their reputations than they are about the health and welfare of the very people they claim to serve. In 1983, one member of a blue ribbon committee called together by the Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service states that "You would have to have rocks in your head, in my opinion, to allow your child more than 2 ppm [fluoride in their drinking water]." Added another member: "I think we all agree on that." Their conclusions were published by the U.S. Public Health Service as recommending that up to 4 ppm fluoride should be allowed in the drinking water.

In 1980, the U.S. Public Health Service contracted with Battelle Research Institute to do studies to find out whether fluoride could cause cancer. When, in 1988, the results showed that fluoride caused a rare form of liver cancer, oral cancers, and possibly bone cancer, the U.S. Public Health Service covered up the most significant results and only allowed that fluoride might cause bone cancer. Then, in attempt to water this down even further, Under Secretary of Health James Mason assigned former FDA commissioner Frank Young to reevalualte fluoride to whitewash this already watered-down conclusion. Despite additional information that they collected from the National Cancer Institute that bone cancer rates were almost 50% higher in men living in fluoridated areas and data from Procter and Gamble showing a dramatic increase in bone tumors as a result of fluoride exposure, they claimed that fluoride did not cause cancer.

Procter and Gamble has tried to cover up studies that they performed showing that as little as one-half the amound of fluoride added to public water supplies causes genetic damage and that fluoride causes tumors and precancerous growths. In 1993, the National Academy of Sciences admitted that up to 80% of the children living in fluoridated areas have dental fluorosis and that "fluorosis is twice as prevalent among African-American children" and that there are a number of studies showing that fluoride causes genetic damage and transforms normal cells into cancer cells - and then gave fluoridation a clean bill of health. Similarly, a 1993 study put out by the U.S. Public Health Service admitted: "in cultured human and rodent cells, the weight of the evidence leads to the conclusion that fluoride exposure results in increased chromosome aberrations [genetic damage]", and then tried to discount the importance of their findings.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fluoride - Destruction Of Our Consciousness

Seb (write-in-Dennis Kucinich)


Eddie NWO Censored

IG Farben manufactured Zyklon B to gas Nazi concentration camp prisoners to death, and now slowly pacifying and killing the masses with fluoridation of water and toothpastes

The Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception - DR Monteith goes over the history of fluoride, its use, its dangers and its promotion over time, Why something that is rejected by so many nations is promoted here in the USA Learn about the Hidden Agenda behind the use of Fluoride, who's behind it and the real purpose behind its use

HEALTH EFFECTS: Fluoride & the Pineal Gland - Fluoride calcifies our pineal gland (3rd eye, 6th chakra) destroys the production of melantonin DMT dimethyltryptamine, serotonin and DESTROYS OUR CONSCIOUSNESS

The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland (1997)

Pineal Gland & DMT - Short documentary movie based on the book of Rick Strassman, M.D. - DMT - The Spirit Molecule. Rick Strassman was permitted to embark on the first human research with psychedelic, hallucinogenic, or entheogenic substances in the 1990s in the United States after 20 years' intermission in the field. In the intermission period it has only been legally possible to research on animals. Strassman's studies investigated the effects of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a powerful entheogen, or psychedelic, that he theorizes is a substance produced by the human brain in the pineal gland (without any conclusive proof), and an active ingredient in ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is any of the various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis spp. vine, native to the Amazon Rainforest (which is also called ayahuasca). The resulting drinks are pharmacologically complex and used for shamanic, folk-medicinal, and religious purposes. Occidental ethno-biologists have noted a variety of 200-300 plants used in the different brews made by the Ayahuasceras. It is an open question whether Ayahuasca should be noted as one particular shamanic medicinal brew, or that it should be noted as an entire medicinal tradition alongside, for instance, Ayurveda or Tibetan Medicine. During the project's five years, he administered approximately 400 doses of DMT to 60 human volunteers. This research took place at the University of New Mexico's School of Medicine in Albuquerque, New Mexico where he was tenured Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Strassman has conjectured that when a person is approaching death, the pineal gland releases DMT, accounting for much of the imagery reported by survivors of near-death experiences.
Strassan wrote about the research program in his book DMT: The Sprit Molecule

The Fluoride Conspiracy

http://www. informationliberation. com/?id=14949

"Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it"
- Adolf Hitler

"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century"
- Robert Carlton, PhD, former EPA scientist, 1992

The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception. Governments that add fluoride to drinking water supplies insist that it is safe, beneficial and necessary, however, scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their drinking water supplies have higher rates of cavities, cancer, dental fluorosis, osteoporosis and other health problems. Because of the push from the aluminum industry, pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers, fluoride continues to be added to water supplies all over North America and due to recent legal actions against water companies that fluoridate drinking water supplies, precedent has been set that will make it impossible for suits to be filed against water suppliers that fluoridate. There is a growing resistance against adding toxic fluoride to our water supplies, but unfortunately, because fluoride has become "the lifeblood of the modern industrial economy"(Bryson 2004), there is too much money at stake for those who endorse water fluoridation .
The lies of the benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be fed to the public, not to encourage health benefits to a large number of people, but to profit the military-industrial complex

The story begins in 1924, when Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben (I.G. Farben), a German chemical manufacturing company, began receiving loans from American bankers, gradually leading to the creation of the huge I.G. Farben cartel. In 1928 Henry Ford and American Standard Oil Company (The Rockefellers) merged their assets with I.G. Farben, and by the early thirties, there were more than a hundred American corporations which had subsidiaries and co-operative understandings in Germany. The I.G. Farben assets in America were controlled by a holding Company, American I.G. Farben, which listed on it’s board of directors: Edsel Ford, President of the Ford Motor Company, Chas. E. Mitchell, President of Rockerfeller’s National City Bank of New York, Walter Teagle, President of Standard Oil New York, Paul Warburg, Chairman of the federal reserve and brother of Max Warburg, financier of Germany’s War effort, Herman Metz, a director of the Bank of Manhattan, controlled by the Warburgs, and a number of other members, three of which were tried and convicted as German war criminals for their crimes against humanity. In 1939 under the Alted agreement, the American Aluminum Company (ALCOA), then the worlds largest producer of sodium fluoride, and the Dow Chemical Company transferred its technology to Germany. Colgate, Kellogg, Dupont and many other companies eventually signed cartel agreements with I.G.
Farben, creating a powerful lobby group accurately dubbed "the fluoride mafia"(Stephen 1995)

At the end of World War II, the US government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast Farben chemical plants in Germany. The German chemists told Perkins of a scheme which they had devised during the war and had been adapted by the German General Staff. The German chemists explained of their attempt to control the population in any given area through the mass medication of drinking water with sodium fluoride, a tactic used in German and Russian prisoner of war camps to make the prisoners "stupid and docile"(Stephen 1995). Farben had developed plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries because it was found that fluoridation caused slight damage to a specific part of the brain, making it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom and causing the individual to become more docile towards authority. Fluoride remains one of the strongest anti-psychotic substances known, and is contained in twenty-five percent of the major tranquilizers. It may not seem surprising that Hitler’s regime practiced the concept of mind control through chemical means, but the American military continued Nazi research, exploring techniques to incapacitate an enemy or medicate an entire nation.
As stated in the Rockerfeller Report, a Presidential briefing on CIA activities, "the drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means of controlling human behavior"(Stephen 1995)

The ‘dental caries prevention myth’ associated with fluoride, originated in the United States in 1939, when a scientist named Gerald J. Cox, employed by ALCOA, the largest producer of toxic fluoride waste and at the time being threatened by fluoride damage claims, fluoridated some lab rats, concluded that fluoride reduced cavities and claimed that it should be added to the nation’s water supplies. In 1947, Oscar R. Ewing, a long time ALCOA lawyer, was appointed head of the Federal Security Agency , a position that placed him in charge of the Public Health Service(PHS).
Over the next three years, eighty-seven new American cities began fluoridating their water, including the control city in a water fluoridation study in Michigan, thus eliminating the most scientifically objective test of safety and benefit before it was ever completed

American ‘education and research’ was funded by the Aluminum Manufacturing, Fertilizer and Weapons Industry looking for an outlet for the increasingly mounting fluoride industrial waste while attaining positive profit increase. The ‘discovery’ that fluoride benefited teeth, was paid for by industry that needed to be able to defend "lawsuits from workers and communities poisoned by industrial fluoride emissions" (Bryson 1995) and turn a liability into an asset. Fluoride, a waste constituent in the manufacturing processes of explosives, fertilizers and other ‘necessities’, was expensive to dispose of properly and until a ‘use’ was found for it in America’s water supplies, the substance was only considered a toxic, hazardous waste. Through sly public re-education, fluoride, once a waste product, became the active ingredient in fluorinated pesticides, fungicides, rodenticides, anesthetics, tranquilizers, fluorinated pharmaceuticals, and a number of industrial and domestic products, fluorinated dental gels, rinses and toothpastes.
Fluoride is so much a part of a multibillion-dollar industrial and pharmaceutical income, that any withdrawal of support from pro-fluoridationists is financially impossible, legally unthinkable and potentially devastating for their career and reputation

Funded by US industrialists, in an attempt to encourage public acceptance of fluoride, Edward Bernays, known also as the father of PR, or the original spin doctor, began a campaign of deception to persuade public opinion. Barnays explained "you can get practically any idea accepted if doctors are in favour. The public is willing to accept it because a doctor is an authority to most people, regardless of how much he knows or doesn’t know"(Bryson 2004). Doctors who endorsed fluoridation didn’t know that research discrediting fluoride’s safety was either suppressed or not conducted in the first place. Fluoride became equated with scientific progress and since it was introduced to the public as a health-enhancing substance, added to the environment for the children’s sake, those opposing fluoride were dismissed as cranks, quacks and lunatics. Fluoride became impervious to criticism because of a relentless PR offensive, but also because of it’s overall toxicity.
Unlike chemicals that have a signature effect, fluoride, a systemic poison, produces a range of health problems, so it’s effects are more difficult to diagnose

Recently declassified US Military documents such as Manhattan Project, shows how Fluoride is the key chemical in atomic bomb production and millions of tonnes of it were needed for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium. Fluoride poisoning, not radiation poisoning, emerged as the leading chemical health hazard for both workers and nearby communities. A-bomb scientists were ordered to provide evidence useful for defense in litigation, so they began secretly testing fluoride on unsuspecting hospital patients and indignant, mentally retarded children.. "The August 1948 Journal of the American Dental Association shows that evidence of adverse effects from fluoride was censored by the US Atomic Energy Commission for reasons of "national security" (Griffiths 1998).
The only report released stated that fluoride was safe for humans in small doses

During the Cold War, Dr. Harold C. Hodge, who had been the toxicologist for the US Army Manhattan Project, was the leading scientific promoter of water fluoridation. While Dr. Hodge was reassuring congress of the safety of water fluoridation, he was covertly conducting one of the nation’s first public water fluoridation experiments in Newburgh, New York, secretly studying biological samples from Newburgh citizens at his US laboratory at the University of Rochester. Since there are no legal constraints against the suppression of scientific data, the only published conclusion resulting from these experiments was that fluoride was safe in low doses, a profoundly helpful verdict for the US Military who feared lawsuits for fluoride injury from workers in nuclear power plants and munitions factories. Fluoride pollution was one of the biggest legal worries facing key US industrial sectors during the cold war. A secret group of corporate attorneys, known as the Fluorine Lawyers Committee, whose members included US Steel, ALCOA, Kaiser Aluminum, and Reynolds Metals, commissioned research at the Kettering Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati to "provide ammunition"(Bryson 2004) for those corporations who were fighting a wave of citizen claims for fluoride injury. The Fluorine Lawyers Committee and their medical ambassadors were in personal and frequent contact with the senior officials of the federal National Institute for Dental Research, and have been implied in the ‘burying’ of the forty year old Kettering study, which showed that fluoride poisoned the lungs and lymph nodes in laboratory animals.
Private interests, sought to destroy careers and censor information by ensuring that scientific studies raising doubts about the safety of fluoride never got funded, and if they did, never got published

During the 1990’s, research conducted by Harvard toxicologist Phillis Mullenix showed that fluoride in water may lead to lower IQ’s, and produced symptoms in rats strongly resembling attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Just days before her research was accepted for publication, Mullenix was fired as the head of toxicology at the Forsyth Dental Center in Boston.
Then her application for a grant to continue her fluoride and central nervous system research was turned down by the US National Institute of Health (NIH), when an NIH panel told her that "fluoride does not have central nervous system effects"(Griffiths 1998)

Despite growing evidence that it is harmful to public health, US federal and state pubic health agencies and large dental and medical organizations such as the American Dental Association (ADA), continue to promote fluoride. Water fluoridation continues, despite the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s own scientists, whose union, Chapter 280 of the National Treasury Employees Union, has taken a strong stand against it. Dr. William Hirzy, vice president of Chapter 280, stated that "fluoride (that is added to municipal water) is a hazardous waste product for which there is substantial evidence of adverse health effects and, contrary to public perception, virtually no evidence of significant benefits"( Mullenix 1998). Although fluoride is up to fifty times more toxic than sulfur dioxide, it is still not regulated as an air pollutant by the American Clean Air Act.
Since thousands of tonnes of industrial fluoride waste is poured into drinking water supplies all over North America, supposedly to encourage gleaming smiles in our children, big industry in the US has the benefit of emitting as much fluoride waste into the environment as they like with absolutely no requirement to measure emissions and no way of being held accountable for poisoning people, animals and vegetation

In August 2003, the EPA requested that the National Research Council, the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), re-evaluate water fluoride safety standards by reviewing recent scientific literature, because the last review in 1993 had major gaps in research. "Neither the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor the National Institute for Dental Research (NIDR), nor the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has any proof on fluoride’s safety or effectiveness"(Sterling 1993).
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has classified fluoride as an unapproved dental medicament due to it’s high toxicity and the US National Cancer Institute Toxicological Program has found fluoride to be an "equivocal carcinogen" (Maurer 1990)

Currently the US government is continuing to introduce further fluoridation schemes throughout the country, including the Water Act passed in November 2003, which has made it impossible for water companies to undergo civil or criminal hearings as a result of adding fluoride to public water supplies

In a society where products containing asbestos, lead, beryllium and many other carcinogens have been recalled from the marketplace, it is surprising that fluoride is embraced so thoroughly and blindly. It seems absurd that we would consider paying the chemical industry to dispose of their toxic waste by adding it to our water supply. Hiding the hazards of fluoride pollution from the public is a capitalist-style con job of epic proportions that has occurred because a powerful lobby wishes to manipulate public opinion in order to protect it’s own financial interests. "Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country... our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of" (Bernays 1991)

see also:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Food As Medicine



Thank you:
Tony ॐ
▀▄▀Candace~s World▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
lonesome dove
~Huntress of Truth~
Vivid ﷲ Imagination
Warrior, Dreamer, Shaman...~John B~

Food as Medicine

This is Jerry Brunetti's highly informative video lecture Food as Medicine (2005) where he lays out his experience with terminal cancer which he successfully overcame with eating healthy and different food than he used to eat until then. In 1999 he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and given 6 months to live. He did not submit to chemotherapy, but rather, developed his own unique dietary approach to enhance his immune system. Jerry shares his personal experiences and provides his recipe for healthy living. You will learn about the crucial importance of minerals, which foods to choose for your best health requirements and what to avoid. After viewing this fascinating lecture you'll realize the remarkable value of food in building good foundations, and providing buffers, to keep your body healthy..

Food as Medicine features:
- The power of pigments
- Make your plate a rainbow.

- Protection from cruciferous vegetables.

- The good oils.

- Fabulous fermentation.

- Eggs - The ultimate food.

- Butter vs.
- The power of raw milk.

- What major minerals do-Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Sulfur.

- The trace mineral catalysts-Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron and Iron.

- The forgotten five-Iodine, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Selenium and Chromium.

Part one

Length 1 hr 43 mins

http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=-8841234327210711547

Part two

Length 1 hr 26 mins

http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=-7798117152905143532

Monday, August 11, 2008

Stop Smoking The Easy Way

Stop Smoking The Easy Way
By Derek Henry

Tips to quit smoking, Nicotine addiction is something that is really hard to break, in my experience gum and patches did nothing but make me want more gum and patches. When I ran out of them I once again without hesitation went back to cigarettes until I got more. But now I have not smoked in 6 months and want to share some of my tip's to help other people stop smoking for good.
1.Remember nicotine is very addictive and I don't think cold turkey is the way to go, what I did was count how mant cigarettes I was smoking in a day and every two days remove one. I started out by saying to myself do I really need three cigarettes during lunch it's only an hour so I took the one out from the middle. Taking one away every two days seemed to work for me a lot better than just stopping all together or one every day, because I think it gave my body a chance to adjust.

2. Stop the cravings, yes the craving's are by far the hardest part but I got through it, and so can you. When I first began tring to quit on my own I bought a lot of products and looked for help online. But I dropped the products pretty fast when I found my addiction had just changed to a patch or gum that was still giving me nicotine. So I looked online for help, and found some good advice. Like in between cigarettes it say's keep your hands busy by sewing or knitting. That might be good advice for some, but for me sewing and knitting would just bore the hell out of me and make me want to smoke even more. So I substituted the boring stuff with Playing on my ps3 or watching tv and going to the driving range and blasting some golf balls. It really doesn't matter what you do as long as you do somthing that keeps your hands busy and keeps your mind off of smoking. Also chewing your favorite gum might help when A bad craving strikes.

3.The last piece of the puzzle for me was the actual motion of smoking. You know lifting it up to your lips. I found out that by chewing on straws and popsicle sticks for a little bit and holding it like a cigarette that it got my mind off of smoking a lot. I know you and other people might think that is nasty, but just think what's worst, chewing on sticks, or smoking cigarettes. If you don't think smoking is nasty than stop for A few months and then hang around people who just smoked. That nasty smell, is what all the non-smokers smelled on you EVERY TIME YOU SMOKED.

Author's Bio

I really hope that this help's some of you stop smoking. But if you read this and still feel helpless than I suggest you try this. Stop Smoking Now The Easy Way

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cinnamon & Honey Cure


Good Cat Good People
~♥~One Heartbeat Of Love~♥~

Advantages of
Cinnamon & Honey

Cinnamon & Honey

Bet the drug companies won't like this one getting around. Facts on honey and cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a "Ram Ban" (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases...

Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, on its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists...

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins...

Arthritis patients may take daily, morning, and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured...
In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the
patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain...

Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder...

Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and apply on the aching tooth. This may be applied three times a day until the tooth stops aching...

Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient were found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured...

According to information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol. (By the way. if you're taking cholesterol medicine STOP! They all contain STATIN which weaken your muscles...including YOUR HEARTand none has been shown to stop heart attacks or strokes!!!!

Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses...

Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root...

According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas...

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral diseases...

Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals..

A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural Ingredient which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu...

Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder and three cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old...

Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root...

Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections...

Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet...

Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three times a day...

Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 p.m. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of the body within a week...

People of South America, first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout the day...

Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restore hearing...

Remember when we were kids?
We had toast with real butter and cinnamon sprinkled on it!



Rhonnie (Ladies Only Site)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

MSG Found In Everything

Peace & Freedom Are Achieved Through Understanding
Thanks to the Ninja Informationist:
For Posting

Remastered by:
The Gorilla





The MSG-reaction is a reaction to free glutamic acid that occurs in food as a consequence of manufactureMSG-sensitive people do not react to protein (which contains bound glutamic acid) or any of the minute amounts of free glutamic acid that might be found in unadulterated, unfermented, food

These ALWAYS contain MSG

Glutamic acid
Monosodium glutamate
Calcium caseinate
Textured protein
Monopotassium glutamate
Sodium caseinate
Yeast nutrient
Yeast extract Yeast food
Autolyzed yeast
Hydrolyzed protein (any protein that is hydrolyzed)
Hydrolyzed corn gluten
Natrium glutamate (natrium is Latin/German for sodium)

These OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG during processing

Malt extract
Natural pork flavoring
Citric acid
Malt flavoring
Bouillon and Broth
Natural chicken flavoring
Soy protein isolate
Natural beef flavoring
Soy sauce
Barley malt
Soy sauce extract
Whey protein concentrate
Soy protein
Whey protein
Soy protein concentrate
Whey protein isolate
Protease enzymes
Anything protein fortified
Flavors(s) & Flavoring(s)
Anything enzyme modified
Anything fermented
Natural flavor(s) & flavoring(s)
Enzymes anything
Seasonings (the word "seasonings")

The not so new game is to label hydrolyzed proteins as pea protein, whey protein, corn protein, etc. If a pea, for example, were whole, it would be identified as a pea.. Calling an ingredient pea protein indicates that the pea has been hydrolyzed, at least in part, and that processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is presentRelatively new to the list are wheat protein and soy protein

Disodium guanylate and disodium inosinate are expensive food additives that work synergistically with inexpensive MSG.. Their use suggests that the product has MSG in itThey would probably not be used as food additives if there were no MSG present

MSG reactions have been reported to soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, and cosmetics, where MSG is hidden in ingredients that include the words "hydrolyzed," "amino acids," and "protein"

Low fat and no fat milk products often include milk solids that contain MSG.. Low fat and no fat versions of ice cream and cheese may not be as obvious as yogurt, milk, cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc, but they are not an exception

Protein powders contain glutamic acid, which, invariably, would be precessed free glutamic acid (MSG) Glutamic acid is not always named on labels of protein powders

Drinks, candy, and chewing gum are potential sources of hidden MSG and of aspartame and neotame. Aspartic acid, found in neotame and aspartame (NutraSweet), ordinarily causes MSG type reactions in MSG sensitive people. Aspartame is found in some medications, including children's medications.. Neotame is relatively new and we have not yet seen it used widelyCheck with your pharmacist

Binders and fillers for medications, nutrients, and supplements, both prescription and non-prescription, enteral feeding materials, and some fluids administered intravenously in hospitals, may contain MSG

According to the manufacturer, Varivax–Merck chicken pox vaccine (Varicella Virus Live), contains L-monosodium glutamate and hydrolyzed gelatin both of which contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG) which causes brain lesions in young laboratory animals, and causes endocrine disturbances like OBESITY and REPRODUCTIVE disorders later in life.. It would appear that most, if not all, live virus vaccines contain MSG

Reactions to MSG are dose related, i.e., some people react to even very small amounts.. MSG-induced reactions may occur immediately after ingestion or after as much as 48 hours

Note: There are additional ingredients that appear to cause MSG reactions in ACUTELY sensitive peopleA list is available by request

Remember: By FDA definition, all MSG is "naturally occurring.." "Natural" doesn't mean "safe" "Natural" only means that the ingredient started out in nature


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Proof that Marijuana is a Powerful Medicine

Date: Jun 29, 2008 6:36 PM

Proof that Marijuana is a Powerful Medicine


Marijuana contains an amazing chemical, beta-caryophyllene,
and scientists have thoroughly proven that it could be used to treat
pain, inflammation, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis.

Jürg Gertsch, of ETH Zürich, and his collaborators from three
other universities learned that the natural molecule can activate a
protein called cannabinoid receptor type 2.
When that biological button
is pushed, it soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and
blocks pain signals -- without causing euphoria or interfering with the
central nervous system.

Gertsch and his team published
their findings on June 23 in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences.
..They focused on the
anti-inflammatory properties of the impressive substance -- testing it
on immune cells called monocytes and also in mice.

Since beta-caryophyllene seems to be powerful, occurs
naturally in many foods, and does not get people high, it could turn
out to be a nearly ideal medication.
The organic compound is also
phenomenally cheap.
Sigma Aldrich sells
it, in kosher form, for forty-two dollars per kilogram.

Unfortunately, big pharmaceutical companies tend not to seek
FDA approval for natural chemicals, and most doctors are reluctant to
prescribe drugs that have not received a green light from the
regulatory agency.
Thus, it would require a heroic effort by academic
researchers to prove that beta-caryophyllene is safe and effective in

Perhaps, before that happens, the natural substance will find
its way into the herbal medicine aisle of health food stores.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

8 Medicines Even Doctor's Won't Take

Peace & Freedom Are Achieved Through Understanding
Date: Jun 24, 2008 2:05 PM


The sun
TheGaianDragon. com

Posted by:
The Last Baboon

8 Drugs That Even Doctors Wouldn't Take

With 3,480 pages of fine print, the Physicians' Desk Reference (a.k.a. PDR) is not a quick read. That's because it contains every iota of information on more than 4,000 prescription medications. Heck, the PDR is medication — a humongous sleeping pill...


Doctors count on this compendium to help them make smart prescribing decisions — in other words, to choose drugs that will solve their patients' medical problems without creating new ones. Unfortunately, it seems some doctors rarely pull the PDR off the shelf. Or if they do crack it open, they don't stay versed on emerging research that may suddenly make a once-trusted treatment one to avoid. Worst case: You swallow something that has no business being inside your body...


Of course, plenty of M.D.'s do know which prescription and over-the-counter drugs are duds, dangers, or both. So we asked them, "Which medications would you skip?" Their list is your second opinion. If you're on any of these meds, talk to your doctor. Maybe he or she will finally open that big red book with all the dust on it...



Pot Medicine

i disposed of the anti-deeps a few years back and still smoke the weed when i can-it sure helps more than any of that pharmaceutical muck. please repost.


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
thanks: Jack Herer
Date: 24 Jun 2008, 09:32 AM



After years of prescription antidepressants that offered no relief from anxiety disorder, Patsy K.

Eagan experiments with her drug of choice— marijuana, which for some may be the medicine to send SSRIs up in smoke

A thimbleful is all it takes. After a day's work, I pinch off a small amount of marijuana and put it in a steel-tooth grinder. The flowers, covered in tiny white diamonds of THC, release a piney scent when crushed. I turn on the TV, and instead of taking a glass of wine with my evening news, I take out my vaporizer and set it on the coffee table.

Outside the walls of my bungalow in Oakland, California, I can hear the rush-hour traffic, but I've already changed into my Big Lebowski–style robe and slippers. I tap the ground flakes into a canister that I attach to another piece, this one with a bag on the end, and set both on the vaporizer. I flip the switch, and the bag slowly inflates with plumes of white smoke. Once it's fully clouded, I attach a mouthpiece to the canister, put this to my lips, and press. On the inhale, the cannabinoids taste like sunned grass. My prescription for anxiety disorder didn't always begin and end with an herb. But I've run through enough pharmaceutical drugs to know that pot dulls my panic better than any pill.

One could say I diagnosed myself in high school, when I recognized my symptoms in a psychology textbook. Finally, I had "generalized anxiety disorder" to describe the dread I felt of some future event that was overtaking my present. I usually sensed the panic attacks first in my chest. Then my vision would start to go to static, and my body would crumple to the floor. There I'd ride it out until the adrenaline ran its course.

Soon after I started to suffer several of these episodes a day (and so often that fear of another one kept me indoors), I sought out a psychiatrist. I told her about the times I'd be driving and convince myself that I was about to spin off the road—the looping, invented terrors. A little talk therapy and a prescription later, I discovered that Zoloft only exacerbated my panic and depression. I stopped taking the little white pills and cut out caffeine instead; I exercised and practiced meditation. For years I abstained from medication, and aside from the occasional pot smoking with friends, I swore off drugs entirely.

By the time I graduated from college, I knew all about the female hysteric and how anxiety was still cast as a womanly defect. Women experience generalized anxiety disorder at twice the rate of men. Every year, as many as 4.5 million American women are diagnosed with GAD—not including the several other permutations of anxiety disorders, namely social phobia, obsessive-compulsiveness, post-traumatic stress, and agoraphobia—for which, as with most mental illnesses, they are prescribed medications. Thus, I resisted pills for the backward "rest cure" and institutionalization they stood for: the only thing to be done for the hysterical female.

I resisted, that is, until another monsoon of panic attacks threatened my livelihood. I had a writer's dream job, reviewing manuscripts and researching productions for a prominent Bay Area theater. But some mornings, I couldn't step outside. I'd call in sick, often days in a row. Or if I showed up, I'd avoid contact with my boss any way I could. Eventually I had to leave that job, for reasons including my inability to concentrate. I sought out a new job and a new psychiatrist, who rediagnosed me with GAD and panic disorder and put me on Paxil. It did its job and kept me in mine, at a Berkeley bookstore, for a while.

The downside came a year later, when surges of elation or rage would seize me at work while I was doing mundane tasks, like shelving. Once, I almost threw a punch at one of the regular, but by no means normal, customers: a squat man who'd tell the female clerks not to touch the (typically women's) magazines he was buying. After a few of these episodes, it became clear that there was no peace for me in Paxil. Calm came, I found, only from pot.

A hundred years ago, a doctor might have recommended marijuana for my condition—or "nervous inquietude" as the U.S. Dispensatory called it in 1854—and to anyone suffering from menstrual cramps, gout, cholera, or migraines. During the nineteenth century, American pharmaceutical companies freely produced cannabis for ailments. But in 1937, Congress criminalized "marihuana" with a tax act. In 1996, when California passed the first state initiative to decriminalize marijuana for treating illness, certain liberal populations, like the People's Republic of Berkeley, quickly embraced cannabis as a means to ease nausea and other symptoms associated with AIDS, cancer, and treatments for both. Yet it didn't get any notice in the area of anxiety and depression.

As my antidepressants were failing me, though, I couldn't help but pay attention to the fact that whenever I smoked pot with friends (after a soccer game, before a hike), it relaxed me—and the calming effect lasted for days. I returned to marijuana in my mid-twenties as a way to level the emotional extremes Paxil induced, and to avoid talking to another listless doctor who would just give me a new pill. And at least doing business with a Cal student—whose house reeked of too many animals—seemed less likely to land me in jail than a visit to one of the marijuana clubs I kept hearing about. These were the sites of DEA raids, an entirely nerve-racking scenario for someone prone to panic attacks.

In addition to the real possibility of federal arrest was the task of convincing a doctor that smoking pot was so far the only effective remedy for my feeling panic. Researchers are all over the map as to whether marijuana causes or reduces anxiety. One study published in a 1982 issue of Psychopharmacology found that the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD) muted the anxiety produced by THC—marijuana's main psychoactive cannabinoid. In 1999, the U.S. Institute of Medicine, an outgrowth of the National Academies, which make public-policy recommendations, issued an ambiguous report stating that "the psychological effects of cannabinoids, such as anxiety reduction…can influence their potential therapeutic value," and also that its "effects are potentially undesirable for certain patients and situations and beneficial in others." Cannabinoids, for example, reduce nausea. But they also impair short-term memory (hence the Dude, Where's My Car? stereotype).

Also in the past decade, scientists discovered that the brain produces its own endocannabinoid compounds, which mimic plant-made cannabinoids and transmit their chemical messages through the same neural receptors. High numbers of the receptors were also found to occur in the amygdala and the hippocampus, the parts of the brain that play the biggest role in anxiety. Also significant for anxiety sufferers, scientists concluded that endocannabinoids—and arguably cannabinoids—may serve in the forgetting of fear.

About four years ago, another psychiatrist put me on lithium for what he described as my "Paxil-induced hypomania." When it made me violently sick, I decided I needed to replace pills altogether and turn to a regimen that relied on what was, to me, the only proven drug. I headed down to the five-block stretch of marijuana advocacy groups known as "Oaksterdam." There, I explained to an understanding doctor, wearing Lennon glasses and cargo shorts, that marijuana eased the symptoms of what studies showed and I knew to be a genetic disorder. (My two younger brothers have been diagnosed as bipolar, and my grandmother suffered from anxiety and depression.


I also wanted more control over my medicine, the chance to find the right cocktail on my own. As the doctor thumbed my Paxil bottle, he told me, "I only ask that you be responsible for your illness" and that I see my primary-care physician at least once a year. In my case, he said, taking responsibility might mean combining pharmaceuticals and cannabis. He gave me a note recommending I use marijuana "on an as-needed basis," and I became one of California's 300,000 (and growing) number of pot patients.

Each time I went to pick up my dosage at a dispensary, I weighed the costs of medicinal marijuana. While the literal cost was roughly the same as street weed (on average, $55 for the standard 3.5 grams, known colloquially as "an eighth"), I did pay a price in that all of a sudden, my pot smoking was a habit to be discussed with others. My parents resisted the idea at first; my mom handed me more than her usual share of newspaper clippings on the harm smoke inflicts on the lungs or the latest DEA dispensary raid. I got good at relaying what I'd read in studies—that modulation of my cannabinoid system may alleviate anxiety disorder more quickly than SSRIs and with fewer side effects—to the point that people usually agreed to let me go about my own business, as long as it made me feel better.

When yet another psychiatrist—my fifth—got me off Paxil by prescribing Lexapro, I fought the drug-induced fatigue with different varieties of cannabis. In the culture of dispensaries, where scientific and clinical findings combine with toker lore to create a hybrid medical practice, I had to do the searching myself to find the strain that made for the best medicine.

At my first visit to a dispensary, I was overwhelmed by the myriad strains of marijuana: There were rows of glass jars with names like Buddha Haze and Sensi Star on the labels. Not only could I take home a bottle of herb, I also could purchase cigarettes, hashish, tinctures, and edibles like Reefer's peanut butter cups. I had no idea what to try, and the names seemed to change with the seasons. (One variety's known impingement on motor functions moved a dispensary clerk to advise me, "You don't want to pay your bills on this one.


My friend, a user of marijuana as aspirin for his sports injuries, taught me how to recognize the difference between the main varieties, indica and sativa: Indicas have short and bushy leaves; sativas have thin leaves and fluffier buds. He explained that sativas' high THC content makes the buzz more cerebral, while indicas', conversely (it has higher levels of CBD), has a stonier effect. I had the most success with sativa and indica blends, and I admit I'd finalize my selection based on scent—in the end, it had more to do with aromatherapy than anything else. When someone behind the counter would hold out a mint dish full of buds, I'd take home the strain that smelled the most like an Oregon forest.

Only after I stopped taking Lexapro, my third and last of the SSRIs, did I realize that just a little herb would suffice—a few times a week, always at home, when I didn't have to drive anywhere, and in the evening after a day's work.

I found a therapist, trained in addiction counseling, who told me that cannabinoids work similarly to SSRIs: They neither heal the brain nor work on neurochemical fragility but help you deal with symptoms. And, she advised, "as with SSRIs, should you decide to stop the marijuana, you'd want to taper off gradually." Instead, I stopped taking Lexapro and, after a seven-year pill streak, gradually acclimated to a low-level anxiety similar to what I'd known before pharmaceuticals. I chose to stay on marijuana, the drug with the three-thousand-year history, for the firm grip it had on my panic, and managed to bring my dosage down to once a week—a touch of Green Cream to soothe the nausea, sleeplessness, and jittery reflexes. I meditated every day and took more seriously my mom's other cautions about eating well and exercising regularly.

Yet outside Oaksterdam, my choice to medicate anxiety with marijuana puts me on contentious ground. There's the basic fact that people seem to regard regular marijuana users as dim-witted, half-baked. And, more urgently, California law seems to have suffered from short-term memory loss: In January, the California Supreme Court ruled that employers could fire a medical marijuana user, even if the drug had no adverse impact on job performance. It hasn't on mine, nor with my friends who self-medicate with the stuff and do all the things in life that make me proud to know them. My role as an anxious patient, then, has seemingly morphed from hysteric to herbalista—an undercover clandestine marijuana user who hopes never to be seen through the smoky lens of stoner stereotypes.

There's been a recent progressive development in Congress, however. A bipartisan effort called the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act would back up initiatives like California's Prop. 215, the likes of which have passed in 11 other states. If ratified, bill H.R. 5842 would take cannabis off the Schedule I list (drugs that are highly addictive and have no medical use) and upgrade it to Schedule II status (drugs that can be addictive but have medical use). This potentially paves the way for the FDA to set up a regulatory system and begin a drug-approval process for marijuana. Perhaps then the federal government will cease spending millions of taxpayer dollars on marijuana enforcement, cities can use the revenue from dispensaries to keep their libraries open, and I will be able to fill my prescription without looking over my shoulder for the DEA or continually lobbying my parents.

On a recent drive to the dispensary, I wondered if I would ever go off drugs entirely—and if I even count marijuana as something I want to eventually kick. My most recent physician, a former surgeon whose six-year history of referring marijuana is an eternity in the practice, told me that "pot simply treats anxiety so much better than the other drugs." I thought about this outside, when I showed my state-issued medicinal-user ID card and driver's license to a guy with a radio. He summoned security inside, and the door swung open to reveal a large room with fresh flowers on tables and bamboo mats underfoot.

I hadn't come for drugs that day. I'd made an appointment with a hypnotherapist whom I see every once in awhile to talk about my dreams; it's just one of the free services that the dispensary offers. Rose greeted me at the registration desk, and we passed the jars of cataloged plant life—Strawberry Cough, Witch Hazel—together. When we reached her office, she turned to me and said, "You looked so relaxed when you came in, I didn't even recognize you!" I took this to mean that I was onto something.

http://www.elle. com/beautyspotlight/14013/marijuana-anxiety-disorders.html